Director of Product and Community Management, ONF
Bithika Khargharia is a Principal Engineer/Intrapreneur at Extreme Networks and Director of Product/Community Management at ONF. At Extreme Networks she is responsible for - bringing to market solutions around disruptive technologies most recently SDN & driving the innovation charter via programs such as the Extreme Networks - US Ignite SDN Innovation Challenge. At ONF, she is responsible for driving the Open Source SDN movement hinged around real- world market needs.
Bithika has 20 years of technology research and development experience that spans Systems Engineering including Green, Manageability and Performance; Server, Network and Large-scale Data Center Architectures; Distributed (Grid) Computing; Autonomic Computing; and Software-defined Networking. She has over 17 peer-reviewed publications, 2 patents and has contributed to 4 books on Autonomic and Green Computing. She is an Ambassador at the Anita Borg Institute and is intimately involved with shaping its flagship conference – The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, most recently as the program co-chair for the Open Source Day. Bithika got her Masters & PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Arizona on Energy-efficient Large-scale Data Centers.