AVP, New Technology, PCCW Global; Director, MEF; Technical & Operations Committee Co-Chair, MEF
Shahar joined PCCW Global in 2001 and served in various sales, pre-sales product development and management roles. In his current assignment Shahar is involved with adaptation and integration of new technologies to the PCCW-Global product lines and infrastructure.
Shahar has been involved in the international telecoms arena for over 20 years and has seen the progress from traditional SDH platforms, through ATM, Frame-Relay and MPLS to today’s VPLS and Ethernet technologies.
Prior to his current role in PCCW Global, Shahar worked for Teleglobe Inc. and for NetVision, an Israeli ISP. Shahar is also active in several industry Standard-Defining-Organizations and is a member of the MEF Board of Directors, Co-Chairs the MEF Service-Operations Committee, and Deputy-Chairs the ONF Services-Area. Prior to that Shahar has served as a member of the Steering-Committee, Co-Chair and Chair of the OSS-ICDS forum. The OSS-ICDS forum brought together international carriers from all continents and developed processes and documents associated with Inter-Carrier Data Services, including IPLC, MPLS and Ethernet.